About the Georgia 120 Tribe

What 120 Tribe Offers

Want to try youth club lacrosse?

Do you live in the Atlanta area and have a son who plays lacrosse? Do you have a son interested in giving summer travel lacrosse a try?  

Our Georgia 120 Tribe teams are a group of highly skilled boys that practice 2-3 days a week and then will typically play one fall tournament and three summer tournaments with two local tournaments in the Atlanta area and one out of town during the summer.  This gives families a chance to experience the higher level of competition, skill development and get the travel atmosphere without making the financial and travel commitments that are required by some organizations.   

Training/Skill development:

We have built a program that is centered around skill development,  developing  lacrosse IQ, and embracing creativity and the fun of the game.  Our club is heavily structured towards a higher practice to tournament ratio than most clubs because that is how we believe lacrosse skill is developed. In a tournament the amount of touches a player gets is only a fraction of what they would get in a practice.   The focus on fast paced, high volume of touches in our practices have allowed our players to progress at a faster pace.    

Schedule:  Our summer plan is to be wrapped up by mid/late June so everyone can enjoy their summer.  This is our tentative schedule:

Practice Location:  Lovinggood Middle School, Powder Springs, GA

We also offer other opportunities to participate with the Georgia 120 program. 

For inquires about our club please contact: Info@Georgia120tribelacrosse.com